How To Turn Your Side Hobby Into A Full-Blown Business

What do you like to do in your free time? When no one's watching, when you have no commitments. Here's how to take that passion and turn it into a full-blown business.

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Have you ever tried solving a Rubik’s Cube? It’s one of the most popular puzzles ever invented, yet notoriously complex and difficult to solve.  
When I was growing up, we always had one in the house, and I could usually figure out how to solve one side, but then all the other sides eluded me. After several minutes, I’d usually get frustrated and toss the cube aside.
However, over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been obsessed with the Rubik’s Cube. Once I finally learned how to solve it, all I wanted to do was solve it again and again, trying to improve my time each time. As of this writing, my best time is just shy of 90 seconds, though I’m working hard to break that 60-second mark.
But, could I actually turn this side passion of mine into an actual business and make a living out of it? That’s exactly what we’ll explore in this article.

A Passion For Speedcubing

Speed cubing is an entire sport in and of itself, with people all around the world competing to solve the cube in mind-bogglingly fast times. 
Not only do people solve the original 3×3 Rubik’s Cube in astonishingly fast times (under 10 seconds, believe it or not), but they also have competitions around solving 4×4, 5×5, 6×6, and 7×7 cubes, solving with one hand, blindfolded, and even solving with your feet! 
There’s even a Netflix documentary called Speed Cubers, so you can go behind the scenes with these incredible speed solvers. 
Now, think about all this for a second. There’s no one forcing me (or any of the speed cubers around the world) to solve the cube again and again. No one forcing me to practice. No teachers, no grades, no bosses, no paychecks. I’m obsessed with it because it’s a fun challenge, and I can achieve measurable progress.
My speed cubing passion might fizzle out in a few weeks, or it might blossom into something more. The important thing is to give it time and to allow myself the freedom to explore what it could become.

Exploring Your Passions

So often, we tend to write off passions as “just hobbies” or things we do for fun. But in discovering your true calling, that’s exactly where you should focus your time and energy.
Figure out what you do for fun, in those times in between Zoom meetings and emails and deadlines. What’s the thing that you can’t wait to go do? What’s the thing you would do even if you didn’t get paid to do it? The thing that gives you energy instead of zaps it away?
These should be your clues to finding what you’re truly passionate about. Allow yourself the open space to explore, and don’t judge yourself or your passions for being too small or silly or unworthy. 
These days, any interest or hobby could turn into a full-blown business, as long as the passion is there to carry it through.

Is It Possible To Turn Speed Cubing Into A Full-Blown Business?

Let’s dive into my current Rubik’s Cube obsession and dig a little further. At first glance, it might seem like just a silly little puzzle, and I could easily write it off as such. But could I actually turn it into a lucrative business?
A quick Google search surfaces many popular online courses that will teach you how to solve the cube. One popular course, which sells for $95, has over 9,800 registered students, which means that the course has generated nearly $1 million!
On YouTube, there are thousands of videos about speed cubing, as well as tutorials on how to solve the Rubik’s Cube. As of this writing, the top video has over 39 million views!
According to Forbes, top YouTubers typically make $3 to $5 per 1,000 video views. So, for the video with 39 million views, that’s potentially $195,000 in revenue, just for a single video.
And of course, this isn’t accounting for in-person classes, workshops, summer camps, conferences, and other business opportunities.
The point is, when you’re truly passionate about something, there are countless ways to turn that interest into a side gig and then that side gig into a full-blown business.

How To Turn Your Passion Into A Business

Start by talking to your friends and family about what you’re passionate about. Gauge their interest and listen to their questions. If you get asked the same questions over and over, consider creating a blog or YouTube channel to start answering those questions.
Focus on genuinely providing value and helping others, rather than monetizing your efforts, especially in the beginning.
Grow your tribe by connecting people who share your passions via online Facebook groups, meetups, and conferences.
Go into Facebook groups and other online forums and provide value. Read the questions people are asking, and help them by providing your thoughts and experiences.
This will help to establish you as a thought leader and an authority in the space, which will help you build a natural following.

How I Turned My Real Estate Investing Passion Into A Business

This is exactly what happened to me when I became passionate about real estate investing a few years ago. Because it was all I could think about, I started naturally to talk to friends and family about what I was doing. 
As people started to get interested, I began to explore how I could best help them. I started by answering commonly asked questions via a blog, then videos. 
Once I learned exactly what people were looking for (i.e., real estate investments they could invest in without having to become landlords), I did some research and found opportunities that could help them. 
My real estate investing “hobby” has now become a full-fledged business making well over 6-figures a year. It didn’t happen overnight, and it wasn’t always easy, but I loved every step of it, because it was fueled by my passion in real estate.

What Are YOU Passionate About?

Often, we become conditioned to write off things as love to do as silly little hobbies. However, these hobbies are exactly where you should focus your time and attention.
Imagine a life where you could do what you love to do, all the time, instead of just in the hours left over after work. A life where you could share your passion with others and actually get paid for it.
Sounds like a dream, right? But these days, with YouTube, blogs, and online courses, you can create a business out of pretty much anything. Through sharing your passions with others, you can inspire others to explore their passions as well, creating a ripple effect of impact.
The key is to have an open mind about your passions, to give them space to blossom, to not snuff them out prematurely, and most importantly, to have fun. Sprinkle in some patience, curiosity, and a genuine desire to share your passion and help others, and the money will follow.

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